That’s how much was spent on DEI initiatives in 2020 according to McKinsey. They predict that this will double to over $15 billion by 2026.
That’s how long it will take to close the economic gender gap at the current rate of spending and improvement.
Five decades after the passage of the original Sex Discrimination Act in the UK, we have hit a diversity glass ceiling™.
How have we arrived at a point where – after decades of hard work – not only are we still YEARS away from achieving any semblance of true equality, but the situation is getting worse not better.
Across the corporate world, companies are cutting back on their DEI investments; activity to promote women and women’s issues has become at best performative at worst counter-productive; men feel marginalised and hectored; women feel disillusioned.
And worse still, the polarisation of men and women is becoming endemic - as evidenced by the rise & popularity of activists like Andrew Tait.
Why is this happening?
Is it because we’ve played it too safe?
Is it because we have steered away from the uncomfortable conversations that really need to be had?
Is it because we have focussed on ticking boxes rather than creating lasting change?
Is it because we have placed unrealistic expectations on personnel to become fully-invested social justice warriors alongside their day jobs whilst at the same time ideological thought-policing has created exclusion not inclusion?
Whatever the reason, this fight is far too important to simply give up now.
But we need a different approach. One that is grounded in embracing the inconvenient, tackling the topics that are often left in dark corners, giving voice to those who feel unheard, disenfranchised and shamed – so that together we can create genuine & lasting change to the benefit of all.
This work begins in schools: educating young people about misogyny, sexism and power dynamics; providing boys and girls with healthy role models and the tools to enact them in their own lives, relationships and future careers; and helping them to understand their individual and collective power to create a more equal world.
It continues in companies: facilitating powerful conversations & engaging workshops on difficult topics such as tackling the sexualisation of women in the workplace; the marginalisation of men and the challenge of inclusive allyship; and why the crisis in women’s self-worth is your company’s responsibility.
And it is supported by work with individuals: through coaching for women who are struggling to step into their power, own their worth and progress their careers in a culture that continues to undermine and de-value them.
If you are a teacher or headteacher looking to enhance the education of the young people in your charge…
If you are a DEI, HR or training & development lead in the corporate world and want to move beyond the performative to create real change…
If you are a woman seeking support as you navigate the challenges of our increasingly divided world…
If you are willing to step into the arena and have the inconvenient conversations…
how can i help?
I offer a range of services to schools and companies including workshops designed to start a different kind of conversation about inclusion.
I also run in-house confidence & leadership programmes for senior and “rising star” women alongside male allyship programmes and take on a handful of 1:1 coaching clients for bespoke individual support.
“Harriet was one of our speakers at WeAreFutureLeaders, a conference that supports the next generation of female talent. Harriet’s talk was exceptionally well received by all our guests, the feedback was nothing short of amazing. Harriet has this wonderful ability that allows people to show their vulnerabilities and in turn be their most authentic selves. She is a wonderfully inspiring speaker who I have no hesitation in recommending. A real superwoman who empowers others wherever she goes.”
VANESSA VALLELY, OBE: Managing Director, WeAreTheCity
“Thank you, Harriet, for joining our women’s network and providing something truly different. The conversation challenged us, made us question the status quo and drove us to think about how to work together to drive a different outcome. It was refreshing to have such an open and candid discussion. The post event survey gave your event a 4.88 out of 5 overall rating, with many women committing to raise their voices and increase their self-confidence. The overwhelming ask was for more!”
“Harriet has been a big part of Rise - a group for gender diversity in media technology - mentoring programme. Delivering her powerful sessions has helped empower and inspire over 50 women so far in the programme. Her sessions are full of wit and compassion offering essential life skill toolkits that each participator can use to their own accord. The focused and carefully crafted sessions for these mid career women has left them with the drive and confidence to do push forward and owning their brilliance in both professional and personal life.“
NIC KEMP: Rise Mentoring Programme Manager
“When I started with Harriet, I felt like a massive imposter in my new job, with lots of self-doubt, my inner critic in charge a lot of the time, and self-sabotage.. This program has completely tackled all of that, giving me tons of confidence and happiness, as well as helping me to prioritise my energy, health and wellbeing. I’m absolutely owning my leadership position now and truly believe I’m shithot at what I do - I deserve to be here doing this job! My colleagues recognise the value I bring and respect me, and I respect myself.”
N: Finance Manager
What would you like to talk about?
All talks, workshops and training are tailored to the needs of your organisation.
The topics that Harriet is invited to cover tend to fall into one of four categories:
Supporting women with leadership, confidence and success
Cultural and systemic organisational change that makes companies better places for women to succeed and thrive
Lived experience based topics that inspire, empower and engage.
Talks, workshop and programmes designed to educate young people about misogyny, sexism and power dynamics.
Download Harriet’s latest reports:
About me
As a speaker, trainer, writer and activist, with a background in psychology, a decade in investments and a further decade coaching senior women on confidence and leadership - I specialise in working with companies, schools and individuals - helping them to have the uncomfortable conversations necessary to foster genuine inclusion and allyship.
Your next steps
For more information about how we can work together to support your organisation to break through the diversity glass ceiling ™, to talk about in-house coaching programs for your senior and rising star women or to discuss private coaching, please email the office using the button below and let’s arrange a time to chat.